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When the movie Dazed and Confused was released in 1993, it certainly wasn't a box office smash. In fact, according to IMDb, Dazed and Confused was produced for $6.9 million, and it brought in just over $7.9 million at the worldwide box office.
Given that Dazed and Confused came and went from theaters without much fanfare, you'd probably think nobody would care about the movie by now. Thankfully for everyone involved with Dazed and Confused, however, an entire generation of moviegoers grew to love the film once it was released on home video.
There are many reasons why Dazed and Confused has passed the test of time including the amazing soundtrack and the fact that Matthew McConaughey uttered an unforgettable line in the film. It also has to be noted that Dazed and Confused is remembered for its amazing cast that has gone on to enjoy a lot of success.
Looking back on Dazed and Confused's amazing cast, it is clear that Ben Affleck is the actor who went on to become the most famous. While Affleck has been lucky in that regard, it turns out that when he made Dazed and Confused, Ben likely didn't feel so fortunate since he felt left out on set for a hilarious reason.
What Went On Behind The Scenes Of Dazed And Confused?
Over the years, there have been endless examples of movies that focused on characters partying. Unfortunately, far too many of those films left viewers feeling empty and unsatisfied. The reason for that is simple, except for movies like House Party, Superbad, and Booksmart, most movies about partying feel inauthentic.
When Dazed and Confused was released, one of the biggest things the movie had going for it was it felt like a great representation of what partying in your youth feels like. In fact, the movie even captures what it feels like the morning after a fantastic night of having fun with your friends.

Unsurprisingly, there are many reasons why Dazed and Confused feels authentic including Richard Linklater's stellar work on the film and its fantastic soundtrack. However, it seems pretty clear that one of the reasons Dazed and Confused feels so real is the movie's cast really was having a great time while working on the film.
In 2020, The Ringer published an article that featured an "exclusive excerpt of ‘Alright, Alright, Alright,’ a new oral history" of Dazed and Confused. As that excerpt revealed, the movie's cast let loose while making the movie and many of the film's stars hooked up during the production process.

At the beginning of the aforementioned article, many of Dazed and Confused's stars reveal all of their co-stars they had a crush on while filming. Perhaps Wiley Wiggins, the actor who brought the freshman Mitch to life, summed it up best.
"I had a crush on everybody on that set." Wiggins also pointed out that the film's cast was young, open, and looking their best during the filming process since they were groomed by the movie's hair and makeup team.
One of Dazed and Confused's other stars, Nicky Katt, revealed that it was very clear that a lot of Dazed and Confused stars were hooking up. "You’d be going back to your room, and you’d see one of the cast members coming out of somebody else’s room, when the sun’s coming up."
Based on the comments of many of Dazed and Confused stars, it certainly seems like almost everyone in the film's cast was hooking up with someone. Even still, there were some couplings among the cast that the movie's stars really seemed to take note of.

First off, Dazed and Confused's other stars seemed very aware of Milla Jovovich and Shawn Andrews' relationship on set. In the film, Jovovich and Andrews' characters also are involved, but it seems like the actors had even more chemistry off-camera.
Another couple that got involved on the set of Dazed and Confused is Parker Posey and Anthony Rapp. Posey herself remarked on her relationship with Rapp for the Dazed and Confused oral history. "We had a little tryst."

In addition to the aforementioned couples, some of Dazed and Confused's other actors are confirmed to have been involved on the set of Dazed and Confused. For example, Sasha Jenson and Christin Hinojosa-Kirschenbaum, Rory Cochrane and Joey Lauren Adams, as well as Jason London and Chrisse Harnos
Why Ben Affleck Felt Left Out During The Making Of Dazed And Confused
After Ben Affleck launched his acting career during the '80s, things really started to take off for him during the early to mid-'90s. Then, Affleck became a huge star during the late-'90s thanks to movies like Good Will Hunting and Armageddon.
Since Affleck became a major movie star, he has had a huge impact on Hollywood. After all, Affleck has starred in and directed several massively successful films over the years. Despite everything Affleck has accomplished in his career, there have always been a lot of people who pay more attention to who Ben has dated.

Throughout Affleck's time in the spotlight, he has been linked to several notable stars. For example, Affleck's relationships with Gwyneth Paltrow and Ana de Armas both were the subjects of many headlines at the time.

Even more notably, a lot of attention has been paid to Affleck's marriages with Jennifer Garner and Jennifer Lopez. In fact, it could definitely be argued that the amount of attention the media has paid to Affleck's marriages has been pretty crazy.
Given that Affleck has been linked to several stars, you'd probably assume that he would have been in the thick of things during the filming of Dazed and Confused. However, Affleck made a comment in Dazed and Confused's oral history that made it obvious that he felt left out while making Dazed and Confused because he wasn't hooking up.
“Everyone was having s*x with each other, except me. I didn’t sleep with anybody the whole time!”